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Queretaro DCI Report 2023: Data Centre Colocation, Hyperscale Cloud & Interconnection

$8,500.00 USD


The data centre colocation market in Querétaro is set to emerge, driven by the rise of hyperscale cloud infrastructure and strong underlying fundamentals. México is a country with abundant resources, a growing population, compelling demographics and unique geographic proximity to the United States, while also being a key springboard to Latin America.

Like many developing markets around the world, the data centre colocation market in México has grown incrementally and gradually. The IT culture is conservative and outsourcing infrastructure to third party facilities is not widespread. That is set to change as cloud adoption accelerates and the infrastructure to support it starts to build out in-country. Data sovereignty regulations are a part of the story, but the need for reduced latency and better performance is equally important.

México’s data centre colocation market has developed around the country’s main metro of México City, but extended to the hotbed of Querétaro where the land, power and connectivity required for extensive data centre development is more readily available. Querétaro is also strategically located in the centre of México, with terrestrial connectivity flowing north to the United States and to subsea routes on the coasts that extend internationally. It is not a coincidence that hyperscale has decided to make Querétaro its landing point as multiple AZ clusters are already starting to emerge here.

Querétaro is where hyperscale cloud is set to take off and provide the engine of growth for the México data centre market. This market is projected to be worth $83m in 2023 and grow at a five-year CAGR of 41.7% through 2028. Hyperscale data centre colocation is set to be worth over half this market by early 2025. This report is focused exclusively on Querétaro given the presence of hyperscale, but future iterations will account for México City and any other regions that emerge.

The Querétaro data centre colocation market is on the cusp of an exciting phase of growth, but faces a number of moving parts. The power situation is challenging and there are local resource issues and political and social challenges. Hyperscalers are driving this market, but at the same time, they are starting to self-build. This will shape the market’s demand profile and eventual growth trajectory.

This report is an excellent resource for any service provider, investor or enterprise end user looking to understand and project the data centre market in Querétaro or find a service provider. The methodology applied continues to be the most robust in the industry. We track supply on a rack and power basis, split all the metrics along retail and hyperscale lines, and aggregate inventory in multiple tiers according to build status, absorption rates and maximum capacity levels. Hyperscale cloud nodes and on-ramps are mapped and a complete directory is provided.

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